Try to guess where each given country of Central America and the Caribbean is located on the map.
Drag the countries onto the map by region.
Tren hjernen med geografi.
Drag each country onto the map by region.
Can you name all the capitals of Africa in 12 minutes?
Try to figure out where each given physical feature of Northern Ireland is located on the map?
Type the first three letters of the country's name (no outlines given).
Sauriez-vous localiser sur la carte chaque entité géographique? Vous devez indiquer sur la carte exactement où se trouve chacune.
Localiser les entités géographiques sont les suivants: Albanie, Allemag ...
Click on the correct country. You may select regions.
Train je brein met topografie.Es un mapa de la colección EastDock Media.
Train je brain met topografie.
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