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Europa. La Unión Europea

¿Cúanto sabes sobre la Unión Europea? Pon a prueba tus conocimientos con estas cincuenta preguntas tipo test.

Mos populous US states. Sporcle

Can you pick the ten most populous US states in order from most populous to least?

Most populous countries of Africa. Sporcle

Can you pick the 10 most populous African countries in order from most populous to least without making a mistake?

Countries with most immigration and emigration (JetPunk)

Name the top 20 and bottom 20 countries by net migration (2008-2012).

It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.

Biggest countries by population  (JetPunk)

Name the world's biggest countries by population.

It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.

United Kingdom immigration  (JetPunk)

Name the countries that are the source of the largest foreign-born populations in the United Kingdom.

It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.

¿Cúanto sabes sobre la Unión Europea? Pon a prueba tus conocimientos con estas cincuenta preguntas tipo test.

Can you pick the ten most populous US states in order from most populous to least?

Can you pick the 10 most populous African countries in order from most populous to least without making a mistake?

Name the top 20 and bottom 20 countries by net migration (2008-2012).

It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.

Name the world's biggest countries by population.

It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.

Name the countries that are the source of the largest foreign-born populations in the United Kingdom.

It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.

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