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Women writers

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannah_ArendtIndicate on the map the native country of each of the writers for whom you are asked.

The women you can find are:

  • Toni Morrison: winner of the Pulitzer Prize (1988) and the Nobel Prize for Literature (1993)
  • Elena Garro: related to magical realism, was an important playwright who also stood out in the novel and the story.
  • Lydia Cabrera: her studies on African culture in her home country honor her as an anthropologist, as well as a writer.
  • Rigoberta Menchú: indigenous leader, is a defender of human rights and has won the Nobel Peace Prize (1992), as well as a writer.
  • Ángela Becerra: winner of the XXIV Fernando Lara de Novela Award, among others, is considered the creator of Magic Idealism.
  • Clarice Lispector: defined his writing as a "non-style", as we can see in his works Passion according to G. H. and Star Hour.
  • Gabriela Mistral: poet, diplomat and pedagogue, received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1945, being the first Latin American woman to achieve it.
  • Alejandra Pizarnik: translator and essayist, stood out especially in poetry, where she found a means to convey her feelings.
  • Sofi Oksanen: her work Purga, the best known internationally, led her to be awarded the Nordic Council Literature Prize and the Femina Prize for foreign literature.
  • Jane Austen: the irony characteristic of her novels makes her one of the classics of literature. Well-known are his works Sense and Sensibility or Pride and Prejudice.
  • Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen: winner of the Camões Prize and the Reina Sofía Prize for Ibero-American Poetry, also stood out as a writing for children's literature or translator.
  • Rosalía de Castro: emblematic figure of the Rexurdimento, wrote Follas novas among others.
  • Christine de Pizan: forerunner of Western feminism, is the author of The City of Ladies. It is situated in the so-called Women's Complaint.
  • Hannah Arendt: outstanding philosopher, she had to flee her native country because of the persecution of the Jews by the Nazis. Winner of the Sigmund Freud Award.
  • Natalia Ginzburg: writer and politician, became known with her first novel The Road to the City. In addition, she highlighted as a translator of Proust, Flaubert and Maupassant.
  • Irène Némirovsky: French Suite is an unfinished novel with which she became known as an international writer. She never finished it, because she was arrested and deported to Auschwitz, where she died.
  • Herta Müller: writer, linguist and essayist, won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2009.
  • Sappho of Mytilene: poet of the archaic era, was included in the list of "nine lyric poets." Considered by Plato as "the tenth muse".
  • Fatema Mernissi: Arab intellectual, his work is dedicated to the feminine condition in Muslim societies.
  • Nawal El Saadawi: considered one of the most important feminists of her generation, has repeatedly denounced practices that undermine women's rights such as female genital mutilation.
  • Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: her work ranges from feminism to immigration and from sexism to racial issues. His work We should all be feminists (We Should All Be Feminist) has sold more than half a million copies.
  • Nadine Gordimer: winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1991, her books deal with inter-ethnic conflicts and apartheid.
  • Marjane Satrapi: comic author of Persepolis, an autobiographical graphic novel.
  • Arundhati Roy: writer and activist, has taken part in cases for human rights and environmental protection.
  • Wang Anyi: nostalgia, reflected in the urban life of his city over time, is an essential feature of his work, which has been translated into several languages.

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