Try to guess where each given country of Central America and the Caribbean is located on the map.
Drag each country onto the map by region.
Type the first three letters of the country's name.
Would you know to locate the geographic items you are asked about? You must point out each exact location on the map.
Locate countries are: Belize, Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hai ...
Drag and rotate each country onto the map.
Would you know to locate Countries you are asked about? You must point out each exact location on the map.
The North American map contains more countries than you probably thought. Learn the North American countries with this map game.
South America doesn't have an overwhelming number of countries, so there is no excuse for not knowing all the countries on the South American nap. Learn the South American and Central American cou ...
Drag each country onto the map.
Try to locate on the map the given countries of the Central America.
Click on the correct country (no outlines given).
Type the first three letters of the country's name (no outlines given).
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