Drag each country onto the map (by region).
Drag each country onto the map.
Type the first three letters of the country's name.
Drag|rotate and size each country onto the map.
Click on the correct country (no outlines given).
Drag each country onto the map (countries disappear).
Would you know to locate the countries of Asia you are asked about? You must point out each exact location on the map.Es un mapa de la colección EastDock Media.
Un endónimo es un nombre geográfico utilizado en la forma (o transcripción) exacta de la lengua del lugar (topos) que lo ha generado. Se trata de cuarenta preguntas tipo test, par ...
Drag each country onto the map by region.
Drag and rotate each country onto the map.
Would you know to locate Countries you are asked about? You must point out each exact location on the map.
Drag|rotate and size each country onto the map.
Add to Didactalia Arrastra el botón a la barra de marcadores del navegador y comparte tus contenidos preferidos. Más info...