
Mapas interactivos > Países

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Géographie physique du Monde Junior. Jeux géographiques

Répondez au plus grand nombre de questions possible en 150 secondes. Une collection de questions à réponses multiples. Ces jeux ont plusieurs phases, chacune avec ses propres r&eg ...

África Meridional: Países. Seterra

Te proponemos este sencillo mapa interactivo para repasar los países de África Meridional.

Los países que debes ubicar son: Angola, Bostwana, Burundi, El Congo, Gabón, Guinea Ecuatorial, Kenia, Lesotho ...

Countries of Europe (easy). Ilike2learn

Try to guess where each given country of Europe is located on the map. This quiz omits the tiny European countries and most of the countries straddling the Asian/European border.

Countries of Europe (hard). Ilike2learn

Europe may not be as small as you once thought. Many European countries span across more than one continent. Some people believe these countries belong on the European map, while others may believe th ...

Countries of Middle East. Ilike2learn

Learn the Middle Eastern countries with the Middle East map Quiz game. The countries on this map are the ones that have been traditionally considered the Middle East. Some people believe the Middle Ea ...

Countries of South Africa. Ilike2learn

Test your knowledge of South Africa countries by taking this Africa map quiz

Countries of Europe and their capitals. Sporcle

Can you name the European country from its capital?

Oriente Medio: Países. Seterra

Con este interesante mapa interactivo de Oriente Medio podrás trabajar la localización de los países lo forman.

Los países que debes ubicar son: Arabia Saudita, Catar, Egipto, Irak, Irán, Israel, Jord ...

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